Thursday, September 19, 2013

School and Other Shananigans

Hey World,
 It has been months since I have blogged. Life came up and well blogging was the think that had to go. Over the past 5 months the following has happened:
My friend Annie got hitched.
I worked at Children's Hospital working on Hereditary Cancer Databases and assisting with research.
I took Sociology 111, Child Development online. I almost failed my Child Development class. Long story short I proved my professor wrong muahahaha.
I went to Arizona to visit family on vacation.  I love my family.
I met people who I plan on having in my life for a long time. I had friends who I have grown apart from.

I am now on my Junior year at BYU-Idaho. I am taking Sociology of the Family, Sociology of Religion, Sociological Explorations, Race and Ethnic Relations, And an Ethics class that they call Foundations Capstone. The first four classes are the hardest combination of classes in my major. They are all really demanding classes that involve a lot of reading and essay writing. I am excited for the challenge. I do believe the stress may be the end of me though. I am looking into graduate school currently. I want to go into Child Life. This is the school I really want to attend for my schooling.  As you can tell from the URL it is a school in the United Kingdom, they have some of the best international training programs. These next few semesters will determine if I can get into their program. Most of the training takes place over weekends so I will be able to work during the week.  Yay monies! I hope it works out. :)

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