Two More days!
My sister gets home from her mission to the Belgium Netherlands mission. She went Dutch Speaking. She sent this picture this week. This is amazing.
She also sent a really sweet testimony:
"On Sunday I was able to speak in church, to thank the branch for everything they have done and to talk about my mission. I know I have a lot more to learn but I have learned a whole lot. I've learned to rely on my Heavenly Father and that He hears and answers our prayers in a very personal way. I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored through Joseph Smith and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that we all make mistakes, but thanks to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we don't have to be defined by any of them. We are blessed to be able to always change and improve.
I love Belgium and the Netherlands, they will always have a piece of my heart. I love the amazing people I've met here, they've changed me and I'll never forget them. This email isn't enough to say everything that I want to, but no email would be. Fortunately, I have the rest of forever to talk about my mission :)
Ik ben enthousiast om jullie te zien hoewel het ook moeilijk is om afscheid te nemen. ik hoop dat jullie een hee fijne week hebben! Tot straks! (I'm excited to see you although it 's hard to say goodbye. I hope you have a nice week! See you later!)"
I have loved seeing how my sister grow through the past 18 months. She has really changed for the better and I am really proud of her giving her all to something she truly believes.
I know that she will be a different person when she gets home. She is one of my best friends. She is going to be a different person now, in all the best ways. I am excited to get to know the new her all over again.