It has been a few weeks since I have posted an update for my schooling adventure!
After a months long battle with the FBI, which I won, I was able to move forward with all of the documentation and other hoops to get read for school. Honestly, this is like a mental tough mudder.
For future reference this is how applying for an FBI back ground check goes.
A 12-step program:
1. Spend 20 minutes filling out the form and pay online.
2. Wait in line for two hours to get finger printed like a common criminal
(that ink stains be careful, they give you nifty wipes and it goes away)
3. Mail the envelope to the FBI
4. Wait a grand total of 11 weeks before they can tell you if
you received the documents you mail because its a "security risk"
5. Panic at weeks 3,5,6,7,8, and 10.

6. You call on week 11; they did receive the document.
7. They process the document, by now its about week 13.
8. You call again and they say in the states it takes about 10 days to get to you.
Internationally it can take up to 3 months. (I.E. after your term starts)
9. Major panic
10. Pray for it to get there in a reasonable time.
All the while trying to convince yourself panicking is just aging you.
11. The oh so glorious day where the school emails, you saying your document
was received and to await further instruction!
12. Celebrate

My university has been really amazing about communicating with me. The time change and only being able to communicate through email has made it a semi slow process, but they have been punctual. *point to Swansea*
In order to study in the UK, a student needs a CAS or Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies. One cannot apply for a visa, as a student, without this document. That was emailed to me today! I have now completed my paperwork for my visa. It took about 45 minutes. I went to pay and it got complicated. My payment got denied because it was an international transaction.
I appreciate that banks attempt to protect my money. I really do. Bank and computer hackers are among the worst kinds of people. But not being able to do the things I need to, because they are international transactions is driving me nuts!
In other news, I have an apartment for school. Which I paid for with no problem yesterday. So I was a little confused when my transaction was denied today. If the banking system cooperates, I will have my health insurance (full coverage insurance is only $301 (yes, I do mean dollars not pounds) for the whole year) and visa finished today as well.
My dream is becoming a reality!
The last things on my list are relatively simple. Pack up my life, fly to a new country and set up my life there. Where once again, my list of to-dos will explode.