When I was a little girl my mom would make me Easter dresses and every Halloween costume I can remember. That is one of my favourite memories. We still have a few of those dresses. I decided for this year, I needed to learn a new skill or better a skill I already had. So I decided to work on my sewing skills. I want to be able to make things for my future kids, my nieces and nephews, and my friend's kids. I decided to make matching dresses for me and my cousin Sophie; we share the same birthday. I chose Violet Field Thread Patterns because I thought they were so stinkin' cute! I chose the Chloe for my little cousin and the Harlow for myself!
How cute are these:




(these pictures are the ones that come with the pattern, and are probably copywritten)
I took a sewing class in college. It was two years ago. I started with the basics and lets say I am rusty. I had to ask for a lot of help on my first project. I made a dress. Its super cute. I won't post pictures of it. This one will be much better.
One day wondering through Joann's I found the perfect dream fabric. It took weeks for it to wait to be on sale.
One day wondering through Joann's I found the perfect dream fabric. It took weeks for it to wait to be on sale.
I picked fabric from Joann's. Its apparel fabric. How cute is the circle lace?
Printable patterns are my new favourite thing! You can reprint them as many times as you want. I love that because now I can make these dresses for as many girls as I want.
First I pinned and cut the lining, Lining, when cutting, always feels crunchy to me. Pinning is honestly the hardest part. Make sure the fabric is smooth and on the grain.
Then I pinned the pattern pieces to the lace and cut those.
I was really glad. The sewing really took no time at all. I was really pleased with the result.
Today I finished my second cousin's dress! Its so cute!
I didn't really take pictures in between. I will be completely honest, I get manic once the needles are involved, but here is the finished product.
My gorgeous mother is presenting:
and here is a close up:
The skirt is fully lined as is the bodice. I am really am proud of it.
I can't wait to see it on her!