Being patient is so unbelievably difficult! I have been waiting for more than two months for my visa to leave for Saudi Arabia. I haven't heard from my boss in almost two weeks. Needless to say I am kinda freaking out. Patience has never been a strong point but it is obviously something I need to learn. I have learned patience is a necessary part of life.
All good things come in time. I have friends who are currently serving missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and many of them have had to wait a very long time for visa if they are serving internationally. I can now to them in a way that I couldn't understand before. I want to leave and get to work on this internship so badly. I will be working in a school being a co-teacher of a class of children between 3-8 year old.I will also be participating in setting up a special needs education program. There will be the first educational conference in February that I will be able to contribute to. I am really passionate about what I am doing and I can't wait to start. My waiting will make me appreciate my opportunities so much more. I am so grateful for this opportunity to learn and experience. I just wish it would come a little bit faster.
I am very lucky to have a school that wants me so to work for them. They have the United States embassy and the Saudi embassy in New York City involved. They also hired an immigration lawyer. I know that everything that could possibly be done is being done. I am here and now letting the fate of this go to the Universe and God. What happens is meant to. I have done all that I can. :)
Let me know your travel plans as soon as YOU know them! I'm so excited for you to get out of here and get on your way! :)